White Paper

White Paper: Ten trends impacting data analytics

Data is the fuel for digital transformation

Over the years we’ve tracked the changing use of data within business. Every year, data becomes more important, and closer to the heart of successful businesses. We’ve also seen a maturity in how we view data – businesses no longer talk about Loading...big datait’s just data now as they all intelligently look at how it can be used to drive growth or reduce costs.

So, now that we’re well and truly in the age of data, what’s coming next? 

We look at everything from how Loading...Python is tightening its grip in the world of Loading...machine learning, the rise of data-centricity, to new ways to merge BI and Loading...Data Science.

Exasol – the Loading...analytics database

We redefine how you work with data.

We’re redefining what it means to be an analytics database company. Put simply, our high-performance in-memory analytics database gives you the power to transform how your organization works with data, on-premises, in the cloud or both – and turn it into value faster, easier and more cost effectively than ever before.

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