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Experience high-speed analytics in cloud with Exasol on Microsoft Azure

Leverages the flexibility of running Exasol on Microsoft Azure

Organizations looking to get started with data analytics often find themselves facing a substantial initial investment. Fortunately, capable cloud solutions can offer all the benefits of high-speed analytic databases while providing a flexible pay-as-you-go model that enables businesses to glean valuable insights from their data at a price that fits their budget.

Running Exasol on Microsoft Azure cloud is such a solution. The open and flexible cloud platform Azure enables access to the database via the Azure Marketplace and makes it possible to get started in just minutes via Azure Loading...Virtual Machines. Exasol leverages the flexibility of Azure, with support for local storage and durable, highly available Azure Storage so you can spend more time on valuable BI, analytics and reporting instead of installing, tuning and maintaining an analytic database.

Your advantages

  • Get started immediately – no time consuming set-up and optimization necessary
  • Attractive CAPEX
  • Pay-as-you-go (only pay for the analyses you run, no monthly/fixed charges)
  • Access to Exasols scalable high-performance in-memory technology that allows you to run analytics projects today that previously weren‘t possible with database technology
  • Spend more time on valuable tasks instead of tuning and maintaining your database



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