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Exasol offers fast and easy data analytics for the masses.

In the world of fast databases and data analytics, businesses can get tangible value out of data that will help grow your business, be it through new revenue streams, increased customer satisfaction levels or distinct cost savings.

Many of us will remember taking part in treasure hunts where we sought to crack a code or solve a series of clues in order to find the reward. In some cases, we used a map with an X on it and set about hunting down the treasure. Typically, the find was a bar of chocolate or some other sweet reward.

Today, in the world of fast databases and data analytics, the bounty is much more rewarding: it’s the ability to get tangible value out of data that will help grow your business, be it through new revenue streams, increased customer satisfaction levels or distinct cost savings. The good news is that companies do not have to search far to find a company that understands data and analyzing it efficiently and easily with a robust analytic database solution. The X that marks the spot is Exasol, where I have recently taken up the position of chief marketing officer.

I have been fortunate to work at a number of analytic database vendors, but what makes Exasol stand out is the fact that the in-memory analytic database, ExaSolution, is only part of what Exasol offers; we also have the know-how and expertise to get you started with Loading...big data analytics quickly and at minimal cost.

Indeed, I am bowled over by the company’s sheer dedication to helping organizations get the most out of data; Exasol is a software company that lives and breathes data analytics. Not only does it offer a great product that comes with an impressive pedigree, it also backs it up with fantastic people who are passionate about helping companies bring data analytic projects to life and to reach their business goals. You see, there’s much more to data analytics than a fast database.

What is also great is that Exasol has a history in helping clients from a wide range of vertical industries that range from e-commerce companies to retail organizations, online gaming companies to data service providers. All appreciate not only the fact that the product lives up to its promise, but that the company’s service and support teams are on hand to be with organizations every step of the way to help them get the most from their investment in Exasol.

Indeed, it’s what has recently been recognized by industry experts when they have highlighted Exasol as a big data analytics vendor to watch – see Insight Analysis and

So, if you are faced with the challenge of getting more from your data or running fast BI and analytic projects to help with business goals that include revenue assurance, customer insight or risk management, or if you just want to get started quickly with big data analytics within your business, look no further.

X marks the spot. Exasol.


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