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How Exasol supercharges data-driven startups

Young data-driven startups that are looking to make their impact on the data scene

Even the biggest, multi-billion dollar corporations started off small. Companies with now tens of thousands of employees often started with nothing but a desk or two in a garage. All it takes is a good idea and lots of perseverance. (of course, a great analytics database along the way helps too). This blog article presents dailyme TV and Wunderdata, two young data-driven startups that are looking to make their impact on the data scene with their unique services.

dailyme TV makes watching your favorite tv shows a reality – whenever, wherever

dailyme TV is a Berlin-based data-driven startup company that offers a service that downloads TV content via wireless networks and makes it available offline. Streaming services continue to gain traction, but wireless connectivity has struggled to keep up, especially in Germany, where public WiFi is not yet as widespread as in others countries and where mobile data plans can be restrictive.

Recognizing the opportunity, dailyme TV today delivers its service to over five million users watching videos every month. The app is used by over 500,000 unique mobile users in Germany, Austria and Switzerland, and the numbers are steadily increasing. In order to analyze the huge amounts of data that is produced and collected every day more efficiently – for instance, to create invoices or to know which content is more popular – the company relies on Exasol‘s in-memory analytic database. Of particular importance for dailyme TV is that Exasol is available in the cloud, as this deployment method offers maximum flexibility together with the usual advantages offered by the low maintenance self-tuning database, enabling the company to always have the necessary analytic power available for any given analysis. As a result, queries that had taken hours to complete or even had to be aborted altogether on the legacy database now run in mere minutes with Exasol.

“With Exasol‘s in-memory database, we have found a solution that is simply unbeatable in terms of speed and performance. Whatever analysis we want is delivered on time in the morning and now, thanks to the cloud service, we are flexible in every respect.”
Holger Schween, CEO at dailyme TV

Wunderdata works BI-wonders by uniting scattered data in one data warehouse

Wunderdata is an e-commerce and business intelligence specialist. The startup service provider has developed a full-service solution for online retailers that automatically integrates data from a wide variety of sources, such as the retailer’s database and Google Analytics. Although collecting data and connecting it may sound trivial, many a company has spent countless sums of cash and manpower only to fail creating a “single source of truth”.

But by employing Wunderdata’s solution, its customers can access the data collected from all sources within the company, load it in a fully functional data warehouse and make use of it in dashboards, pivot tables and reports to create value for the business instead of trying to figure out how to link the data together themselves. Complex analyses can be run at the push of a button and customer buying patterns can be acted upon as soon as they are spotted, saving money and considerably shortening response times.

These analyses placed large amounts of strain on Wunderdata’s legacy database, often requiring them to be scheduled in advance – bad news for an agile startup. By implementing the in-memory database Exasol, Wunderdata is now able to run Loading...advanced analytics using raw data and receive valuable insights faster than ever before.

“In the past, the average waiting time to process various data models was two hours. With Exasol, we have managed to cut it to 15 seconds.”
Stefan Ladenthin, CTO at Wunderdata

With their innovative solutions, dailyme TV and Wunderdata are promising data-driven startups you should keep a lookout for. The high performance in-memory analytic database Exasol grows hand in hand with their businesses to ensure high performance analytics at all stages, whether it is running analyses on gigabytes or petabytes of data.

This was the third part of our series covering different industries that are successful with Exasol’s in memory analytic database. If you are interested in our second instalment, you can find it here. Stay tuned for part four!

Interested in testing our in-memory analytic database?
Either download the free version of Exasol for use on your own setup, or try Exasol in the cloud.

We also offer an option aimed specifically at startups like the ones mentioned in this article, which you can find here.