Insights Blog

Exasol runs first ever Exasol Xperience and brings 180+ data analytics professionals together

This week was a very exciting one for us at Exasol as we hosted our first ever international Exasol Xperience event in Berlin.

The 2-day event saw over 180 data professionals from 17 countries around the world come together to network and learn more about Exasol and our great in-memory analytic database technology, as well as hear from leading companies such as King Digital Entertainment, Badoo, Adidas Group or Zalando on how they have put data at the heart of their business and decision-making processes.

For those of you who couldn’t make it to Berlin, here is a brief recap of what folks saw, heard and learned at the event, which is certain to become even bigger in 2017.

Day 1

We kicked off the event with sessions on the forthcoming new release of Exasol’s analytic database, version 6.0, which will be made available this fall.

We then followed up with partner-specific sessions for our great partner community, as well as breakout tracks for customers and prospects who were more technically-minded, including content on advanced in-database analytics using R, Exasol in the cloud (Azure, AWS, Bigstep and EXACloud) as well as Exasol on Loading...Hadoop.

We then rounded off day one with a fun networking party on a rooftop terrace overlooking the city of Berlin. The sun was shining, the views were breathtaking and the party saw folks hang out together and exchange stories about how they are getting the most from their data by using Exasol.

Day 2

Day two of the event saw us delve deeper into Exasol’s strategy and vision before we then heard from Dr. Hannah Fry, a leading expert on mathematics and analytics, on how data is just the beginning. She reminded us that there are some fantastic use cases for data analytics that not always have to do with business. It was certainly a session that enlightened many and gave us all plenty of food for thought.

We then heard from a number of fantastic Exasol partners and customers, including Tableau, Atheon Analytics, King, Adidas, ARZ, Mayato, Badoo and Zalando, who all told interesting stories on how they are working with our technology to do more with their data than ever before.

With 20 sessions in total, it was a fantastic event that saw data professionals from all over come together to network and learn from a community of like-minded, data-driven professionals.

What’s more, we were very grateful to our sponsors and exhibitors for their support, including Tableau, Birst, Alteryx, Talend, Areto, b.telligent, cimt, Mayato, eoda and M2. If you haven’t done so already, I would invite you to check out their solutions and offerings that are complementary to Exasol.

In the meantime, look out for an announcement around the dates for Exasol Xperience 2017 and be sure to put them in your diaries.

And if you haven’t done so already, be sure to download a copy of Exasol’s in-memory analytic database and get started with fast, flexible and scalable data analytics today!