Exasol helps Grant Street Group provide next-generation government software

  • Grant Street Group proves selecting Exasol over alternative database vendors was the right choice for performance
  • The delivery speed of roughly 5,000 daily reports hitting the warehouse has improved 12-fold for Grant Street Group since selecting Exasol

ATLANTA, October 2, 2019 – Grant Street Group, a software firm that specializes in cloud-based government solutions for tax collection, e-payments, and auctions, has improved reporting speeds 12-fold using Exasol. Thanks in part to the business partnership with Exasol, and the excellent back-end performance its solutions allow, Grant Street continues to raise the bar when it comes to building government software that truly works.

“Given the enormous volume of data Grant Street analyzes and the number of reports we generate, we recognized several years ago that we’d need to find the best Loading...analytics database on the market to avoid eventually approaching a performance ceiling,” said Peter Kioko, software developer at Grant Street Group. “Since we began working with Exasol’s analytics database, we have exponentially decreased our reporting times and the functionality of the columnar database has opened up a whole new range of possibilities for data leverage. Our clients are happy, and so are we.”

Working with Exasol has enabled Grant Street to achieve faster back-end reporting, supporting roughly 5,000 different daily reports. The 12-fold speed increase also means that large reports that once took hours to run are now executed with ease, within minutes and even seconds.

Exasol helps Grant Street to better handle massive amounts of data. Grant Street has about 4TB of data in its production cluster with around 8GB added daily – with up to 100MB a second uploaded into the Exasol warehouse at peak times. An average 30-second lag behind the operational database now allows Grant Street to offer reporting in near real-time.

Grant Street specializes in cloud-based government solutions for tax collection, e-payments, and auctions. Grant Street applications handle the billing, collection, and distribution of taxes as well as payment processing and online auctions of financial and legal instruments. The data analytics team within Grant Street connects Exasol to two of its core products, TaxSys® – a cloud-based tax collection and billing system that handles $20 billion annually – and PaymentExpress® – the company’s payment software that processes over $10 billion each year for government clients.

Exasol also serves as the back-end database for VisionTM and VisionProTM – Grant Street’s data analytics and visualization tools designed to give TaxSys clients a deeper understanding of office performance and customer needs and behavior – supporting both client-facing and internal analytics at Grant Street.

“Exasol allows us to deliver accurate and robust reporting across all products almost immediately,” said Lucy Werb, TaxSys Product Manager. “That’s essential for clients to get the most out of our solutions.”

Adopting Exasol as its database warehouse has allowed Grant Street to continue delivering the highest-quality software and service to its government clients. Ease of integration with Grant Street’s existing in-house tool, which also uses standard SQL, has resulted in near real-time back-end reporting and the ability to handle enormous amounts of data.

About Exasol

Exasol is the analytics database. Its high-performance in-memory analytics database gives organizations the power to transform how they work with data, on-premises, in the cloud or both – and turn it into value faster, easier and more cost effectively than ever before.

To learn more about Exasol, please visit www.exasol.com.

About Grant Street Group

Grant Street Group specializes in cloud-based government solutions for tax collection, e-payments, and auctions. Every year, we process over $20 billion in tax payments and $10 billion in e-payments. Over the past 20 years, we have hosted online auctions of financial instruments exceeding $12 trillion.

To learn more about Grant Street Group, please visit www.grantstreet.com.

PR contacts

Carla Gutierrez, Global Communications Manager at Exasol
Email: Carla.gutierrez@exasol.com

Joe McKeating, Director of Marketing and PR at Grant Street Group
Email: Joe.McKeating@GrantStreet.com