EXASOL showcases the fastest in-memory analytic database that fits in your pocket

EXASOL demonstrates that scalability works two ways, both up and down, for its customers, with a database that can query millions of rows in real-time but fits in the palm of the hand.

EXASOL, Bracknell, 16 March 2016 – In-memory analytic database vendor EXASOL, confirmed as the fastest by the TPC-H industry standards, today showcases the fastest ever pocketable database using a four-inch square Intel NUC (Next Unit of Computing) device that is capable of querying hundreds of millions of rows in real-time.

Atheon Analytics, the specialist retail analytics consultancy working with some of the UK’s largest retailers and suppliers, has developed the EXASOL-in-my-pocket device to power its proof-of-concept Loading...data visualizations.

Guy Cuthbert, managing director, Atheon Analytics says: “In the past we were dependent on either a very fast, unfettered internet connection to connect to our cloud or limited to running the database on a laptop which significantly slowed down the data visualizations which we were showing to clients. By bringing our own server in such a compact package, we are able to run a far more efficient and accurate proof of concept for our customers without relying on the customers’ internet connection.”

Atheon Analytics used EXASOL’s free single-node edition of the database, which users can freely download and use, installed on the Intel NUC device. Atheon Analytics put EXASOL-in-my-pocket through its paces by taking 250 million rows of trading data from a large supermarket, and was able to quickly develop a proof of concept with the data, specifically looking at statistics around waste reduction and stock control.

Guy concludes: “Customers are often surprised when we tell them that this device is our database server, but this mini PC is a great talking-point and ice-breaker as well as being the perfect tool to do our work. We can bring in more data to our visualizations while at the client site and this allows us to create better proof of concepts. Additionally, by running the full EXASOL database it takes no further effort to scale up to a multi-node EXASOL cluster when the customer wishes to progress to a full implementation.”

Aaron Auld, CEO of EXASOL, comments: “When talking about scalability we often talk about the ability to scale up to large clusters that can handle huge amounts of data but to have a powerful analytic database that can scale down to a device that you carry around with you in your pocket is just as important for smaller scale implementations.”

EXASOL’s in-memory analytic database is confirmed as the fastest by the TPC-H industry standards and the company boasts some high-profile names as clients across the globe, from King Digital Entertainment (the makers of Candy Crush) to Sony Music, from Adidas to Olympus. In 2015, EXASOL grew its customer base by 41 per cent and is set for even stronger growth in 2016.


EXASOL is passionate about helping companies to run their businesses smarter and drive profit by analyzing data and information at unprecedented speeds. The company develops the world’s fastest database for analytics and data warehousing and offers first-class know-how and expertise in data insight and analytics. The in-memory analytic database is the first database to combine in-memory, columnar compression and massively parallel processing, and is proven to be the world’s FASTEST, topping the list in the TPC-H Benchmark tests for performance. Companies that depend on EXASOL to analyze their data in real-time include Adidas Group, GfK, IMS Health, King, Olympus, MyThings, Sony Music and Xing. Follow EXASOL on Twitter at @EXASOLAG.