EXASOL responds to surge in interest levels around analytics; company to present at key big data events

Nuremberg, Germany, 23 February 2016 – As businesses become increasingly data-driven, the ability to analyze data and act upon insights in order to remain competitive is vital. It is therefore no surprise that interest levels in the topic of Loading...big data and analytics continue to rise, so much so that there are a wide range of events that offer end users the chance to understand fully the benefits of putting data at the core of their business.

As a result, EXASOL is pleased to announce that the company will be attending and presenting at a range of key events in March that discuss this hot topic. They include:

  • March 14 – 18, CeBIT, Hanover, Germany. While CeBIT is the world’s largest ICT expo, hall 5 sees a number of companies come together to discuss all things big data and analytics in the Business Intelligence Forum, including EXASOL and partner Breos (hall 5, stand B36) #cebit16 #biforum
  • March 17, Computing Big Data Summit, London, UK. EXASOL will join over 200 end users and 20 industry expert speakers at this annual conference to discuss effective data management and analytics that drive successful projects. #computing_news
  • March 22, Data Innovation Summit, Stockholm, Sweden. EXASOL will join partner Lincube at this annual one-day big data and analytics event that brings together enterprise practitioners, technology providers, startups and academics, working with Loading...data science, big data and analytics. #datasweden

At these events, end users will have the opportunity to discuss their analytics requirements with EXASOL and learn more about the company’s in-memory analytic database that is specifically designed to deliver unprecedented analytic performance, scalability, ease of use and affordability.

“The big data revolution is in full swing and analytics is firmly here to stay. There are enormous opportunities for companies in every industry, from fashion to sport, from retail to food, to run their businesses much smarter and to put data analytics and reporting at the very heart of their operations,” explains Aaron Auld, CEO, EXASOL. “We look forward to meeting with companies to discuss this phenomenon and to help them with their own analytic requirements.”

For more information on how to get started with EXASOL, go to www.exasol.com


EXASOL is passionate about helping companies to run their businesses smarter and drive profit by analyzing data and information at unprecedented speeds. The company develops the world’s fastest database for analytics and data warehousing and offers first-class know-how and expertise in data insight and analytics. The in-memory analytic database is the first database to combine in-memory, columnar compression and massively parallel processing, and is proven to be the world’s FASTEST, topping the list in the TPC-H Benchmark tests for performance. Companies that depend on EXASOL to analyze their data in real-time include Adidas Group, GfK, IMS Health, King, Olympus, MyThings, Sony Music and Xing. Follow EXASOL on Twitter at @EXASOLAG