EXASOL moves its UK headquarters from London to Bracknell, readying itself for further rapid growth in the data analytics space

Moving to Bracknell is part of a strategic move to make EXASOL’s home in an area with highly-skilled technology professionals and opportunities for business development.

Bracknell, UK, 18 January 2016 – In-memory analytic database vendor EXASOL continues to report rapid growth across the globe, with the UK its second largest market. EXASOL has just moved its UK headquarters to Bracknell as part of a strategic move to make its home in an area with highly-skilled technology professionals and opportunities for business development, whilst also moving itself closer to its partners and customers based in the Thames Valley.

The Thames Valley has long been heralded as Europe’s answer to Silicon Valley with global tech organizations choosing to site their European HQ in the area as well as many startups in the various enterprise zones. EXASOL is one of the most recent tech companies to take residence in Bracknell, the heart of the Thames Valley.

In January, EXASOL adds an additional sales team member to its rapidly growing UK team and is actively recruiting for more sales and pre-sales professionals. This is just one of the key reasons for the move to Bracknell. Sean Jackson, CMO of EXASOL says: “Bracknell and the Thames Valley have a strong heritage of successful technology businesses and we’re set to follow in their footsteps, especially given the changed requirements of businesses looking for high performance analytic database technology to bring them into the data-driven age. Due to its technology pedigree, Bracknell has top talent that we are hoping to tap into, which will help us continue our growth.”

Sean continues: “We initially set up our UK headquarters in London, but many of our partners, customers and prospects are based in the Thames Valley, for example Dell and Microsoft Azure, so it made sense to move closer to them. This area also has great access links to Heathrow and the M4.

“In addition to these benefits, the current regeneration program for Bracknell makes it an exciting place to move our UK headquarters to. With this regeneration in mind, now is the time to move here.”

EXASOL’s in-memory analytic database is confirmed as the fastest by the TPC-H industry standards and the company boasts some high-profile names as clients across the globe, from King Digital Entertainment (the makers of Candy Crush) to Sony Music, from Adidas to Olympus. In 2015, EXASOL grew its customer base by 41 per cent and is set for even stronger growth in 2016. Indeed, the company had 8 new customer wins in the last month alone.

To celebrate the move, a mobile billboard will drive around Bracknell and the Thames Valley to promote the company’s move to the area on Tuesday, 19 January. Sean adds: “One of EXASOL’s closest competitors is also based in Bracknell, so this should turn a few heads. We are really excited by our office move and look forward to many years of success in Bracknell.”


EXASOL is passionate about helping companies to run their businesses smarter and drive profit by analyzing data and information at unprecedented speeds. The company develops the world’s fastest database for analytics and data warehousing and offers first-class know-how and expertise in data insight and analytics. The in-memory analytic database is the first database to combine in-memory, columnar compression and massively parallel processing, and is proven to be the world’s FASTEST, topping the list in the TPC-H Benchmark tests for performance. Companies that depend on EXASOL to analyze their data in real-time include Adidas Group, GfK, IMS Health, King, Olympus, MyThings, Sony Music and Xing. Follow EXASOL on Twitter at @EXASOLAG.