EXASOL and FlyingBinary make high-performance, cost-effective data analytics available to UK Government organisations under G-Cloud 6

Government organisations can now unlock sophisticated data analytics enabling them to do more with less, all with the flexibility and cost-effectiveness of the cloud

London, 2nd February 2015 – From today, UK Government organisations can unlock the value of their data without fear of inflexible vendor lock-ins, hidden costs and at a price that suits their budgets. Web science company, FlyingBinary, has successfully been accepted on G-Cloud 6 in the Digital Marketplace, and now offers cloud solutions that include EXASOL’s in-memory analytic database, EXASolution, together with world leading data visualisation tools. Consequently, local authorities and central government bodies alike have the opportunity to easily procure and flexibly manage the most innovative, high-performing analytics services in order to see, understand and drive decision-making using their data.

By offering a SaaS solution that brings together EXASOL’s technology with visualisation tools, FlyingBinary provides central and local government the freedom to utilise the vast amounts of information and data they have to run services and garner insights. This creates efficiencies across operations, helps detect fraud and error, and helps move towards the goal of citizen centric services. The Digital Marketplace provides a single store for buyers to purchase IT commodities and services from G-Cloud.

Aaron Auld, EXASOL’s CEO says: “G-Cloud is a ground-breaking initiative that gives back control of technology procurement to public sector bodies, rather than having to play by the rules of the big vendors. It empowers them with an array of accredited technologies, with all the efficiencies of cloud-based services, allowing innovation through flexibility and letting them do more with less, thereby driving efficiencies. We are delighted to be working with FlyingBinary to open up business analytics to all government organisations.

Aaron continues: “We see this as one of the most prestigious stamps of approval on our in-memory analytic database, EXASolution. We take our role in being on this framework very seriously as it allows us to provide the tools the UK public sector needs to deliver a first-class service to its citizens and provide efficiencies in a world where both time and budgets are finite.”

It is FlyingBinary’s sixth framework award on G-Cloud, having made the cut from its inception. This year FlyingBinary’s goal has been to bring the cloud services it uses to innovate for Smart Cities and the Internet of Things to the public sector, allowing organisations to leverage legacy systems and also to position themselves for the role that data will play in transforming public services.

Jacqui Taylor, FlyingBinary’s CEO says: “We are in a world where companies of all sizes use their data to gain actionable insights in order to transform their businesses, maximise opportunities and build new products and services. Data-driven organisations are possible in the public sector too. We are helping a number of key organisations through this transition. Currently only around 8 per cent of government organisations have access to data and the insights it can bring. This needs to change. Our G-Cloud services provide the platforms to enable this transformation to data-driven organisations. This can and should change the way Government operates, not only creating efficiencies, but ultimately unlocking the value of Smart Cities and the Internet of Things and placing the citizen at the heart of everything it does.”

For more information, images or an interview with both Jacqui Taylor, CEO of FlyingBinary, and Aaron Auld, CEO of EXASOL, please contact +44 7545 088630 or exasol(at)brightbeecommunications.com


EXASOL is passionate about helping companies to run their businesses smarter and drive profit by analysing data and information at unprecedented speeds. The company develops the world’s fastest database for analytics and data warehousing, EXASOL, and offers first-class know-how and expertise in data insight and analytics. The in-memory analytic database is the first database to combine in-memory, columnar compression and massively parallel processing, and is proven to be the world’s FASTEST, topping the list in the Loading...TPC-H Benchmark tests for performance. Companies that depend on EXASolution to analyse their data in real-time include Adidas Group, GfK, IMS Health, King, Olympus, myThings, Sony Music and Xing. Follow EXASOL on Twitter at @EXASOLAG.

About FlyingBinary

FlyingBinary is a web science company that changes the world with data. The company provides industry-leading web services on HM Government accredited platforms to new National Security standards for Data and Analytics cloud services, so organisations can profit from the web in months not years. FlyingBinary is internationally recognised as Smart City and Internet of Things specialists, helping to transform organisations and nations with data, and evidence the value of a connected organisation by delivering products and services across the web. Clients that are using FlyingBinary’s services to unlock the value in their data include the Bank of England, British Standards Institute, Cabinet Office, Charity Commission, Department of Business Innovation and Skills, Department of Work and Pensions, Local Government Association, NHS England, Ofsted and Unicef.