EXASOL Makes World’s Fastest In-Memory Analytic Database Even Faster

New EXASolution Version 5 incorporates innovative in-database ‘Preference Analytics’ for solving multi-dimensional optimization with its new Skyline tool

Nuremberg, June 17, 2014 — EXASOL AG, the provider of EXASolution the world’s most powerful engine for analytics and data warehousing, is pleased to announce the latest release of EXASolution Version 5. EXASolution Version 5 provides even better performance and a completely new in-database analytic tool called Skyline to enable “Preference Analytics”. Preference Analytics helps remove subjective elements from the analysis process, giving businesses greater confidence in query findings, Loading...predictive analytics and enabling better, more agile decision-making as a result.

The EXASolution Loading...in-memory database engine is engineered from the ground up to drive the world’s fastest analytics. It achieves lightning-fast performance with linear scalability by combining in-memory technology, columnar storage and compression, and massively parallel processing and has consistently dominated the Transaction Processing Performance Council benchmarks for many years – legitimately making it the fastest analytical database in the world.

EXASolution Version 5 incorporates a series of new features including: advanced caching and index creation techniques for improved performance, installable R/Loading...Python/Loading...Java packages that allow customers to benefit from all publicly available statistical libraries, a new Python Toolbox improving usage of Python ODBC, Java for User Defined Functions also improving usage of RODBC, Graph analytics via CONNECT BY that enable analysis of graph-tree data structures found in social networks and logistics and lastly, its new ground-breaking in-database analytic tool Skyline to significantly improve multi-dimensional optimization.

Skyline’s in-database Preference Analytics address the fundamental problems of traditional data mining approaches, where the ever-increasing volumes of data and multiplicity of variables mean that sorting, filtering and weighting lead to sub-optimal analyses. This capability is unique to EXASOL and was developed to help clients with more sophisticated analytic and data mining requirements. Potential application areas include segmentation, next best offer, fraud and portfolio analysis.

“We have listened carefully to what customers want in making EXASolution Version 5 even more powerful, smarter, easy to use and financially accessible by the increasing numbers of companies that are stepping into the data analytics arena. The basic algorithm of our new multi-dimensional optimization tool Skyline, has been the subject of research for many years and we are very excited to be the first database provider to incorporate this functionality into our new and improved solution. Real-time data analytics has become a key priority for many companies, and EXASOL is in the enviable position of providing the most powerful solution on the market in one complete and integrated package, rather than as a series of complicated, modular add-ons dressed up as a “platform”. With EXASolution customers get exactly what they need to extract value from their business data,” said Aaron Auld, CEO, EXASOL.

Key Capabilities of EXASolution

  • In-memory technology – innovative, in-memory algorithms enable large amounts of data to be processed in main memory for dramatically faster access times
  • Column-based storage and compression – reduces the number of I/O operations and amount of data needed for processing in main memory
  • Massively Parallel Processing – EXASolution was developed as a parallel system based on a shared nothing architecture. Queries are distributed across all nodes in a cluster using special parallel algorithms that process data locally in each node’s main memory
  • High user concurrency – thousands of users can simultaneously access and analyze Loading...big data without compromising query performance
  • Scalability – linear scalability enables system extension and increased performance by adding additional nodes
  • Tuning-free database – intelligent algorithms continuously monitor usage and perform self-tuning, thus optimizing system performance and minimizing administrative work
  • Industry-standard interfaces – enable favorite SQL-based BI and data integration tools via EXASOL support for ODBC, JDBC, MDX and ADO.NET
  • Low TCO – flexibility to enable businesses to pay as they grow
  • As a result of growing demand for EXASolution, EXASOL has opened new offices in London (UK), San Francisco (US) and Sao Paulo (Brazil). The company’s growing roster of new customers include: mobile network management experts, wefi, and myThings, the global leader in customised programmatic advertising solutions for companies such as Littlewoods, Very.co.uk, Adidas, ToysRUs and Orange.


EXASOL was founded in 2000 with the simple goal to engineer the world’s fastest database for analytics and data warehousing. It helps companies across the globe, from start-ups to established global companies, manage their data in real-time helping to grow their business and drive profit. Its groundbreaking in-memory analytic database product, EXASolution is the first ever database to combine in-memory, columnar compression, and massively parallel processing that is proven to be the world’s FASTEST, topping the list in the Loading...TPC-H Benchmark tests for performance. Leading global companies using EXASolution to run their businesses faster and smarter include: Adidas Group, GfK, IMS Health, King, Olympus, myThings, Sony Music and Xing, among others. Follow EXASOL on Twitter at @EXASOLAG.

UK Press Contact
Laurena McKenna or Claire Williamson
07775 620 232

US Press Contact
Katie Halloran