Fleet market expert Dataforce relies on in-memory database from EXASOL

Fast analysis and processing of geodata thanks to EXASolution

Nuremberg, 23 April 2012 – EXASOL AG, the high-performance database specialist, has extended its expertise in the area of market research with the acquisition of a renowned new customer. Dataforce GmbH, the leading provider in the area of automotive intelligence, now analyses its extensive data set with the data warehouse management solution EXASolution. The fleet market specialist benefits from the solution by being able to provide its customers from the automobile industry with quicker results – for example, monthly new-vehicle registration statistics – and status reports – such as those from the fuel card market or the new and used car markets – in real time. Thanks to the increased flexibility of reporting procedures and ad hoc evaluations, marketing, sales and process planning are optimally supported.

Dataforce GmbH is based in Frankfurt and was founded in 1998. It has branches in China, Italy and Switzerland making it one of the leading market research and consultation institutes for the fleet market. The company provides a range of services including analyses, statistics and prognoses for the national and international automobile industry.

Processing geodata an important sales argument

The original OLAP system consisting of an Oracle database and Cognos PowerPlay had reached its limits. To collect, prepare and analyse new data sources, Dataforce required a high-performance but affordable system which could upload large amounts of data to a data warehouse, analyse it quickly and output it on demand in the necessary format. As Dataforce also accesses a constantly growing network of European cooperation partners, which provides information on vehicle fleets in many European countries, the new database had to be highly scalable. Moreover, the solution had to be able to process geodata. Geodata are pieces of digital information that can be either directly or indirectly linked to any place on earth. For the company, saving and analysing these data is extremely important as it means that evaluations regarding vehicle registration can be carried out for a certain postcode area or town with various urban zones. Ultimately, the new system was supposed to simplify the previous, complex business intelligence architecture and reduce the administration work involved.

High-performance data analysis for transparent fleet management

EXASolution has been used in productively at Dataforce since 2011. Data from vehicle registration offices and authorities all over the world are uploaded into the database via the EXASOL Bulk Loader. For this an external service provider – a software expert for location analysis – supplies the plug-in required to process geodata. EXASolution analyses all inputted data. Via the new BI front end, the data is outputted as required in the form of reports and dashboard depictions.

“Thanks to EXASolution, Dataforce has been able to drastically reduce evaluation times, which means that the company can now address national and international automobile companies more precisely and more effectively. In this way they receive real-time access to all important decision-making parameters that they require for their systematic market analyses and processes,” says Steffen Weissbarth, CEO of EXASOL AG.

“With EXASolution, we are best prepared for future data growth,” says Guido Niermann, Head of IT at Dataforce GmbH. “The fact that we can now process geodata – that is to say, also evaluate the dimension of the spatial reference – means that we can offer our customers brand new analysis options and even more comprehensive market overviews. We are very satisfied with the new solution. We can react flexibly to future demands but still reduce our total cost of ownership as the selected BI stack fully supports our vision of a ‘lean BI’,” continues Niermann.

EXASOL AG, based in Nuremberg, develops and markets the high-performance database EXASolution, based on in-memory technology, which was designed specifically for enterprise warehouse applications and business intelligence solutions. This allows very large volumes of data to be analysed and evaluated in the shortest space of time. Thanks to the high performance and low administrative maintenance, EXASolution supports businesses not just with valuable decision-making fundamentals from their data, but also by reducing the total cost of ownership. In April 2011, EXASOL AG was named by Gartner as a “Cool Vendor” in the category Data Management and Integration 2011. In 2012 the solution was included in the Magic Quadrant “Data Warehouse Database Management Systems”.

About Dataforce GmbH

“Operate successfully on the automobile and fleet market with the knowledge, information and long-term experience of Dataforce”. That is the maxim of Dataforce, the leading market research and consultation institute for the German fleet market. In addition to comprehensive information for sales support, Dataforce provides an extensive portfolio of information, market research and consultation services.For further information, please visithttp://www.dataforce.de


EXASOL AG, based in Nuremberg in Germany, develops a data management system that enables the rapid analysis and evaluation of data. By implementing the solution from EXASOL, business processes are optimised and secure foundations for decision-making are generated, which give companies a sustainable competitive edge. EXASolution is a relational high-performance database that was specifically developed for enterprise warehouse applications and business intelligence solutions. The database is utilised by companies of all industry sectors for time-critical analyses, comprehensive data research, planning or reporting. The integration of geodata introduces an additional analysis dimension that allows for even more efficient analyses. The database can be integrated easily into existing IT infrastructures and requires a minimal amount of administrative maintenance, while ensuring low investment and operation costs (TCO). EXASolution is available under the name EXACloud as well as data warehousing as a service. This highly efficient data management solution allows EXASOL customers to benefit from complete data access at any time and a transparent price model. Companies such as XING, Sony Music Entertainment, Olympus, IMS Health, Semikron, intelliAd, Ratepay, Webtrekk and xplosion rely on EXASOL’s “made in Germany” technology. For further information, visit www.EXASOL.com, follow us on twitter or join us on facebook.