media control GfK International expands its business intelligence system into the BUCH and GAMES segments

Rapid performance gain for the entertainment industry’s trend barometer

Nuremberg, 16 April 2012 – The leading European market researcher in the entertainment sector, media control GfK International, relies on the in memory database EXASolution to identify its sales figures for the trade panels BUCH International and GAMES. The full-service provider for media monitoring, analysis and evaluation introduced the data warehouse solution from EXASOL in December last year for the MUSIK and VIDEO segments. All the stored data for the BUCH and GAMES segments is currently being transferred into individual data marts in a step-by-step process.

Cater to customer demands – increase economic efficiency

media control customers receive up-to-date charts and market research information for PC and console software. Publishers, however, obtain up-to-date book charts and market analyses of the book market from independent service providers. With the high-performance database from EXASOL, based on in-memory technology, media control can carry out data analyses for these segments in real time and thus adjust their range of services according to their customers’ requirements. The high-performance capability of EXASolution secures the highest long-term flexibility for the company whilst ensuring low investment and operational costs (TCO).

All project aims achieved

EXASOL was chosen as a business intelligence platform because it covers all the objectives of the project – fast data availability, a high level of reliability, ease of operation, reporting scalability and distribution amongst the various specialist departments. The specialist departments benefit primarily in that they are independent of other departments and can create standard and ad hoc reports at the push of a button.

“The fact that media control is now using our high-performance database in their BUCH and GAMES trade panels naturally confirms the power of our product,” says Steffen Weissbarth, CEO of EXASOL AG. Via a web application, publishers and games manufacturers can access EXASolution directly. By using the real time analyses that are evaluated via the database, they can immediately see how successful their marketing activities have been. “The media control customers can develop their own strategies based on reliable data and thus react quickly to changes in the market,” continues Weissbarth.

EXASOL AG, based in Nuremberg, develops and markets the high-performance database EXASolution, based on in-memory technology, which was designed specifically for enterprise warehouse applications and business intelligence solutions. This allows very large volumes of data to be analysed and evaluated in the shortest space of time. Thanks to the high performance and low administrative costs it offers, EXASolution supports businesses not just with valuable decision-making fundamentals from their data, but also by reducing the total cost of ownership. In April of this year, EXASOL AG was named by Gartner as a “Cool Vendor” in the category of Data Management and Integration for 2011. EXASolution 4.0 was used to carry out the TPC benchmark test series for the report published in April.

About media control GfK International

media control GfK International is the leading market research company and full-service provider for media obser-vation, analysis and evaluation. media control compiles sales charts, and conducts market research in the music, books, film, games and DVD/video entertainment industries.

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EXASOL AG, based in Nuremberg in Germany, develops a data management system that enables the rapid analysis and evaluation of data. By implementing the solution from EXASOL, business processes are optimised and secure foundations for decision-making are generated, which give companies a sustainable competitive edge.
EXASolution is a relational high-performance database that was specifically developed for enterprise warehouse applications and business intelligence solutions. The database is utilised by companies of all industry sectors for time-critical analyses, comprehensive data research, planning or reporting. The integration of geodata introduces an additional analysis dimension that allows for even more efficient analyses. The database can be integrated easily into existing IT infrastructures and requires a minimal amount of administrative maintenance, while ensuring low investment and operation costs (TCO). EXASolution is available under the name EXACloud as well as data ware-housing as a service. This highly efficient data management solution allows EXASOL customers to benefit from complete data access at any time and a transparent price model. Companies such as XING, Sony Music Entertainment, Olympus, IMS Health, Semikron, intelliAd, Ratepay, Webtrekk and xplosion rely on EXASOL’s “made in Germany” technology. For further information, visit, follow us on twitter or join us onfacebook.